25/26 January – Baydon Road Closed

Baydon Road in the Parish of Lambourn will be closed on the 25th & 26th January 2021 from the hours of 07:00 to 17:00 from its junctions with Unnamed Road from Baydon Road to Ermin Street. This is the section of Baydon Road as it rises through the woods up towards Ermin Street. Use Hungerford hill as a diversion.
This closure is to enable Volker Highways to carry out carriageway repairs on behalf of West Berkshire Council.
Diversion will be signed on-site.
All enquiries please contact West Berkshire Council on 01635 519080
A plan of the closure can be found at: https://one.network/?tm=GB120448792
Senior Network Co-ordinator (Streetworks)
Transport and Countryside West Berkshire Council Market Street Newbury RG14 5LD
(01635) 519707| EXT 2707|