2024 Lambourn Flower and Produce Show – A big Thank You and the results

Thank you to all those that attended this years Village Show. I was apprehensive about the big changes I had made to the schedule, but you were all very complimentary. My aim was to be more inclusive of our local talents and you didn’t let me down.

Here are some statistics for you: We had 110 Classes available to enter – 24 classes that had zero entries, most popular was class 65 – Photograph of an animal, 160 items displayed and over 300 people enjoying the show.
I am hoping to bring the garden/hanging baskets back into the show next year if I can find a couple of judges that can spend a couple of afternoons in August going round to look at local gardens etc. If you are interested, please get in touch.
Looking forward to seeing you all in 2025
Cathy Brown
And the Winners for 2024:-
Flower Section
1st Dale Taylor
2nd Kirsty Courtney
3rd Penny Brewer
Veg Section
1st Dale Taylor
2nd Mrs Spence
3rd John Doulton
Fruit Section
1st Mrs Spence
2nd Kiri Fowler
3rd Dale Taylor
Floral Art
1st Val Taylor
2nd Sue Lawrence
3rd Wendy Highnett
Photo Section
1st Graeme Toone
2nd Beverley Kinsella
3rd Tim Stutt/Greg Heath
Arts & Crafts
1st Diane Tucker
2nd Sue Armitage
3rd Simon Hobbs/Arlene Grabban/Christine Chipperfield/Anne McGuiness
Home Industries
1st Tara Willams
2nd Helen Reynolds
3rd Christina Dunlop
Childrens Section
1st Harry Highnett
2nd Rose Ayling
3rd Harvey Brown
Best In Show
Best Cut Flowers– Val Taylor
Best Pot Plant Lambourn Stud Cup – Arelene Grabban
Best Overall Vegetable – Bob Wilder
Best Fruit – Mrs. E Spence
Best Floral Art – Val Taylor
Best Photograph – Beverley Kinsella
Best Arts & Crafts – Sue Smallbone