In 1940 fining residents for riding a bicycle without lights seems to have been a major part of the Police Court proceedings in Lambourn. The names have been abbreviated to initials.
North Wilts Herald: 7 January 1940
Fines for Highway Offences
The magistrates at Lambourn Police Court on Friday were: Mr. H.J.W Fosbery (chairman), Mr. G. F. Baylis. and Miss W. Kennard
HG who did not appear but wrote a letter, was summoned for failing to report an accident in Newbury Street, Lambourn on 26 November. Evidence was given by Thomas Doran and Charles Frederick Moss and defendant was fined £1 and costs.
JH was summoned for riding a bicycle without a red rear light in the Upper Lambourn Road, Lambourn. P.C. Ingram gave evidence, and a fine of 5s. was imposed.
FP was summoned for riding a bicycle without a red rear light in the Upper Lambourn Road and on the evidence of P.C. Ingram was fined 10s.
GR was summoned for riding a bicycle without a front light in Station Road, and also for having no red rear light. Evidence was given by War Reserve McGaughan and the defendant was fined 3s in each case.
TW and TD and HH were, on the evidence of P.C. H. Day, fined 10s. each for riding bicycles without red rear lights, on the Wantage Road.